I remember when I was in college, in my early twenties, in the early oughts, and my roommate asked me one morning, “Do you know what a meme is?” And I . . . had no idea what she was talking about! And isn’t that crazy? Oh, how times have changed.
So there’s this meme that’s popular in the lifestyle blogging world, and I’ve always wanted to try it. As a compulsive documentarian, I’ve attempted to record my life in many iterations of photo-essay, from the small (ie, What I Ate Wednesdays) to the grand (like a good ol’ 365 project) and pretty much everything in between. And this meme – A Photo An Hour – seems like a logical next step.
I can’t decide if I’ll do it again (you tell me?), but I’m glad I finally tried it. It’s an interesting way to both a) move through your day (What will I be doing in an hour from now? 2 hours? What will it look like?) as well as b) reflect back on your day (Wow, I sure did a lot of *that*. Or maybe – I didn’t do much of anything. Or maybe – this doesn’t show what I really did!)
This is what my day looked like this past Saturday, broken down by hourly intervals. Waits was with Damian all day.
8:00 am
Bunny hair and sleepy eyes. Sigh, I guess it’s time to get up and start this day.
8:30 am
Starting the day, take 2. A wiggly wake-up call. Okay okay FINE! Now we’re getting up.
9:30 am
Breakfast for two. Pudla with sautéed onion and zucchini, plus kalamata olives, topped with a sprinkle of vegan cheese and some heirloom tomato. Served with salsa and of course, a steaming vat of black tea + stevia + almond milk.
10:30 am
A canine date on the floor with this guy, and this book. My life has recently veered sharply off its expected course, onto a different road entirely, actually. Sometimes change is slow-growth, like a giant Sequoia redwood tree. But other times, it picks you up, spins you around, and launches you towards your future like a gosh darn shot-put.
I’m currently experiencing the latter.
11:30 am
A non-canine date with my beau, a study break down at the Farmer’s market. Wandering hand-in-hand, taking in all the inspiration (and plotting our dinner).
12:30 pm
Back home. More of this.
1:30 pm
Another pause in the studying. Will break for plant blood. I made us juice with beets + their greens, cucumber, parsley, ginger, and apples. A pint apiece.
2:30 pm
More of the same.
The problem with shot-put style change is that it doesn’t leave much time for planning. I had all of 9 days – count them NINE LITTLE DAYS – to completely prepare for the GRE. I think this is what they call “cramming”.
3:30 pm
A snack. Still studying, but simultaneously snacking on chips with black beans, guac, and salsa.
4:30 pm
We ran some errands on our bikes. A trip to the hardware store, plus picking up a few things for dinner. Afternoon bike rides are pretty fantastic.
5:30 pm
6:30 pm
Done! I come into the kitchen; he’s already prepping dinner. These shiitakes are ready for roasting.
One of our very, verymost favorite things to do together is cook. Long, slow, lazy meals made without recipes, with our own imaginations, created and recreated along the way. This intimate culinary collaboration has truly become one of my happiest places on earth.
7:30 pm
Roasted cauliflower coming out, homemade mushroom lentil loaf going in . . .
8:30 pm
Dinner outside. Mushroom lentil loaf with barbecue sauce and vegan Jack, Farmer’s Market asparagus, and mashed FarMar cauliflower with roasted garlic and truffle salt. Do I even need to mention that this meal was absolutely divine? Well for the record, it was.
9:30 pm
Burning sage. Because we were sort of performing a little ceremony. Oh god, yes you can totally tease us for being such ridiculous hippies.
The rest of the night was basically boring, sort of puttering-cleaning-mundane sort of stuff, and I mostly let the camera rest. There was a good session of this before bed though:
And I totally won!
PS – I took these photos on Saturday but I’m posting them on Wednesday, and I’m taking the GRE on Thursday which means . . . please with me luck!
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