Hello Hello! I am sooooo happy that this week is over – it was a particularly tough one for me. And I am beyond happy that today, Friday, is the Summer Solstice! The Solstices are my two very favorite holidays, and the Summer Solstice, well, it’s the longest day of the year! The very most light! As a sun-worshiper to my core (if I prayed to a deity, it would be Sol), it’s the day that gives me the most of what I love.
Want to celebrate Solstice tonight? Stay outside late, give thanks for lightness and brightness and photons, ponder the duality of nature (the days will be getting shorter again, tomorrow), and most of all – have bunches of fun! Plant a flower, climb a tree, or just salute and blow a kiss at the sun. Happy Solstice!
Speaking of duality.
There are some really amazing things going on in my life right now. I am grateful for those. But still, these are hard times. I don’t really show you guys much of that, but they are. Still trying to land on my feet, I suppose.
And right now I continue to struggle with the same sorts of larger, abstract ideas that I’ve been wrestling with for a while. What it means to be a creative person. What it means to forge your own path. What am I willing to sacrifice, and when is it time to throw in the towel?
I just don’t know.
These themes reveal themselves in my musical choices. Amanda Palmer. Macklemore. And this week, this song by Aesop Rock has been on replay.
“dream a little dream,
or you can live a little dream
I’d rather live it
cuz dreamers always chase
but never get it”
And now for the fun part, the fabulous part, Le Love List!
napping in the grass that runs along the beach, on a perfectly warm and breezy day .|. god I love living near the beach! .|. nachos. nachos are better at midnight. it’s been confirmed. .|. RuPaul and girl talk with a girlfriend who’s leaving me soon . . . for Portland! Oi. .|. big bowls of steamed broccoli .|. waking up, rolling over, and seeing Waits’s smiling face. “Mama, let’s get up and PLAY!” .|. powering through food poisoning, I am a freakin’ warrior .|. This video Waits and I made just messing around being silly. Oh my goodness kid. You make this vegan mama so proud!
pattern recognition .|. the kind of friends who let you show up, unannounced, in the still-having-morning-coffee hour, and cry all over their front porch .|. sharing music .|. my friends out there in the ether-web .|. hacking my old favorite Veggie Grill salad to make it gluten-free, oh how I’ve missed you buffalo sauce of glee!!! .|. pistachios or almonds? that was a fun conversation. (and still to be determined!) .|. SEEING GRETCHEN!!! .|. warm weather and late nights hanging on the front porch .|. when things are really bad but you have the right people who keep you centered, lift you up, light your fire and set you off again. that’s everything, I guess . . .
Alright guys, now it’s your turn – let me know what you’re loving this week!
This happy little post will stay at the top of the page all weekend, so stop by any time to leave your Love List, ask a question, or offer some feedback! Or if you’re new, feel free to just introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’! This is your community, so get involved!
Michelle Johnson
Sarah C.