Let’s start with the important stuff: HELLOOOOO coconut oil! This is just a friendly heads-up, from one food geek to another, that Trader Joe’s is now carrying cold-pressed extra virgin organic coconut oil. And, it’s about HALF the price I’ve seen anywhere else. YAY!
In other news, hey look! Does something seem a bit different to you? That’s right, we spent the weekend cleaning up and making improvements, and I really hope you like them! I already adored the overall look of the site, so I really didn’t want to change a whole lot. Just a few tweaks for the better, like:
1. The content area has widened from 475 pixels to 600 pixels. Yay, bigger pictures!
2. Our tagline – “Socially Conscious, Totally Fabulous” – has been added to the header. I love love love this!
3. The side bar has widened to match the content area (and to accomodate having two ads side-by-side, which is the most unobtrusive way to include two ads)
4. The side bar has been polished up: social media links are all easy to find (omg who knew I was such a social media whore??), Bonzai Store/Amazon Store/Wish List/Tip Jar links have been streamlined, & basically it just looks so much mo’ betta!
5. The fonts for the navigation buttons, and for post titles, have been updated. I think they’re so much prettier this way.
I hope you like the new Bonzai, but I’m also totally open to your feedback or constructive criticism. Please let me know what you think!
MMM # 23 Round-Up
Last month I took on the challenge of tackling my inbox. It’s pretty much the bane of my existence, and a constant source of stress. So I made a plan: each night, I wouldn’t go to bed until the inbox was dealt with.
And how did I do?
Well, at first it went very well. I started the month with a deficit, an enormous backlog of unanswered comments and emails left over from Vegan MoFo. But for the first few weeks I was able to stay on top of new comments/emails, AND I began to slowly chip away at the mountain.
Then, I went on vacation. And . . . it all sort of went to hell. Damn!
In California I was focused on seeing friends and family, and really allowing myself to relax. And though I totally thought I would be able to get my work done, I failed . . . miserably!
That’s okay. I learned!
I learned that prioritizing email-answering as the first thing I do right after Waits goes to bed, is not as much of an imposition as it seems. I learned that cleaning out my inbox never takes as much time or as much emotional energy (this is the hard part for me, honestly, since I really try to make sure that my answers are the best and most thoughtful that they can be) as I expect. And most importantly, for a few weeks there, I learned how great it feels to have a clean inbox.
So I’ll try again. It fits with my New Year’s plan this year, which is all about communication (more on that another time), and I hope to have really made it a habit within the next few months.
Alas, for now, I still have that whole backlog to deal with. Oi!
DIY December
I’m not going to host a book club this month, or an organized mission either. It’s the holidays, and people are already busy and stressed-out enough! However, I encourage you to look through the MMM archive, or choose something totally unique, and try out a little mini-mission of your own! It’s a great way to catch up on a mission you may have missed, or to finally find the time to start that one thing you’ve been meaning to do.
Me? I’m attacking my teeth. Oral care, baby! Dedicated flossing, oil pulling, natural whitening techniques, and I’ll be investigating the concept of remineralization (ahhh Sarah!!!!!!!!). I look forward to sharing all my results and finding with you guys!
So what about you guys? What will you be doing for this DIY December?
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://eerosa.com erosan
natashia muna
http://leviathanamours.blogspot.com Abigailjmorrison
http://easierthanyouthink.wordpress.com/ Ginger Baker
http://www.tiedyefiles.com Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFiles
http://brokencookiesdontcount.wordpress.com/ Fran@BCDC
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://eerosa.com erosan
http://eerosa.com erosan
http://twitter.com/saraandcompany Sara Howie
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://easierthanyouthink.wordpress.com/ Ginger Baker
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal