and then, i wrote a book

February 7th, 2011 - filed under: Furthermore » Inspiration

When I became pregnant, the first thing I did was head down to the Herbivore store in search of good reading material. I remember that Michelle asked if I needed anything, and me, sort of puzzled, wondered aloud where the books on vegan pregnancy were. “NOWHERE” she exclaimed. “You should write one!” We had a little laugh about that, then had a good squeal about babies and pregnancy. That was the beginning of our friendship.

And now, almost 2 years later, well . . . I took her advice! I wrote a handbook to help plant-eaters navigate their pregnancies, and Herbivore is going to publish it!

amazing art by Leslie Magee

The Vegan Pregnancy Survival Guide is a comprehensive reference book that covers it all – from straightforward nutrition and strategies for maximizing meals, to choosing cruelty-free antacids and how to throw a vegan baby shower – and *everything* in between!

I am thrilled to be working with such amazing, inspiring people on this project, and I’m honored to be able to share this information with the world. Look for The Vegan Pregnancy Survival Guide to hit the ‘shelves’ in early summer 2011!

  • Charlotte

    What an achievement and how exciting.Congratulations.

  • Richard

    Wow what a busy lady you are, definatly something I’ll get if I find any vegan expectant mothers :)

  • Laura Louise

    Oh my lettuce! This is so totally incredibly awesome! I really really want this book even though I have no intention to get pregnant any time soon :D

  • Court

    well done!

  • Robin

    It’s perfect timing for me! We are trying this year and I have looked for such book and found nada. I am sooooo excited!!!! also Congrats!!!

  • Rad Gal

    How exciting! Something vegan pre-moms like me would love!

  • Lily

    What a great idea, Sayward!! Love the cover! :)

  • Hope

    That is amazingly awesome!! Congrats!!! I will definitely share!

  • Jen

    That is so awesome! I’m not even vegan and I want to get it.

  • Melissa C.

    Yaaay! Congratulations, Sayward! I can’t wait to read it!

  • jess

    congrats, sayward!!

  • Joselle

    Beautiful cover and certain to be a very interesting read. Congratulations on this exciting news!

  • Lindsay

    SUPRE cute blog. Gardening tips are so informative. Found your link on TKL. Love it :)

  • Meghan


    It better not be late comin’ out, ’cause I’m planning on starting to reproduce soon. ;-)

  • sarah

    Holy wow woman you HAVE been busy AND keeping a secret… This is awesome!! We definitely won’t be needing this anytime soon either, but I imagine someday I will be purchasing a copy ;)

  • Charley

    That’s amazing news, congrats!

  • Doreen

    Wow, this is really cool! I will not be pregnant anymore when this gets published, but I think I’ll buy and read it anyway. :)

  • Kelly H.

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Fantastic! Congrats!

  • farmingtheburbs

    So cool, love the cover

  • Cedar

    Way to go, Sayward! You are an inspiration!!!

  • Anastasia

    This is just beautiful! What an amazing design and great thing you’re doing! My husband & I are thinking about kids in the near future and I know I’ll be buying a copy.

  • Kate

    Sayward!! Congratulations!! I certainly will be referencing this *at some point* in the future. I’m so excited for you!

  • Nathalie

    Congratulations, Sayward!!! This is WONDERFUL!

  • Annelise

    This is awesome! I just became a vegan and I will totally be using this in the future. Congratulations, and thanks for writing it!

  • GrowingRaw

    Hi Sayward,

    I know someone who needs your book already – are there any advance copies? Early Summer 2011 means around June, right? (That will be the beginning of Winter for me.)

  • Sayward

    @ GrowingRaw – Oh man, I wish I could get you an advance! Sorry!

  • GrowingRaw

    Thanks for the thought. It wasn’t for me by the way, I’m done with my two lovelies. Tessa (4) and Korby (2). It was for Eva Rawposa:

    I immediately thought I should hook you two up!

  • Sierra Dawn

    Oh, this is so wonderful to see! I looked high and low for vegan pregnancy books with both of my pregnancies and was sorta depressed when I always came up empty handed. I have never doubted my choices, but it’s stuff like that- the complete lack of info + support out there- that could easily make a girl start to. Thank you!! I’d like to think that someday, maybe 20 years from now, I’ll be gifting this book to my daughter and/or sons lady. Exciting!!

  • Christina

    Any idea when this is being released yet? I just found out I am pregnant and am having a difficult time finding vegan pregnancy books. I am very interested in reading yours. It sounds PERFECT!

  • Sayward

    @ Christina – Oh yay, congratulations!!! I’m hoping the book will be out by mid summer, but it’s publishing and we’re doing it ourselves and everything takes longer than expected. I’m doing my best to get it out as fast as I can.

    Good luck with everything!

  • sara thomas

    wow! congrats! what a huge accomplishment! i can’t wait to check it out!

  • Kattra

    Oooh! I wish I’d had this while I was preggers with my son, Daniel, (now 1). While pregnant I became very ill and lost significant amounts of wait. (over 30 pounds in just over 2 week!) It didn’t occure to me however untill much later in my pregnancy that meat was making sick. I’d have a steak with my family and all of it would come right back up, same for burgers, sausage…any meat product I put in my mouth including eggs. By nature I’m not vegan but I respect the life style and had to flip my entire pallet just to keep anything down. It was hard, this book would have help so much!

  • Kattra

    Oooh! I wish I’d had this while I was preggers with my son, Daniel, (now 1). While pregnant I became very ill and lost significant amounts of wait. (over 30 pounds in just over 2 week!) It didn’t occure to me however untill much later in my pregnancy that meat was making sick. I’d have a steak with my family and all of it would come right back up, same for burgers, sausage…any meat product I put in my mouth including eggs. By nature I’m not vegan but I respect the life style and had to flip my entire pallet just to keep anything down. It was hard, this book would have helped so much!

  • Kattra

    Sorry about the repeat

  • Christina

    Has your bok been released yet? I am 20 weeks pregnant now and still hopingnto get this ASAP. I feel like I am right on track with my pregnancy and staying vegan hasn’t been a struggle. My OBGYN is supportive. :) But I would love to get tip and tricks as well as any info I haven’t thought of or planned for along the way too. This is the perfect book for me right now. If it is out howncan I purchase it? I’ll order it today! :D

  • Jaclynkwebb

    Just read your book. Thank you so much! I am in the process of trying to conceived. I can’t wait to be pregnant and be a vegan nutrition rock star. :)

  • Sayward Rebhal

    Aw, thank you so much, and GOOD LUCK!

  • Dani

    I’d like to see this on the Kindle

  • Sayward Rebhal

    coming soon!