It’s my birthday week! And around here, that’s how we celebrate – for a whole week! It was Damian who instated the tradition, but who am I to argue? I mean, couldn’t we all do with a little more merrymaking in our lives? And don’t we all deserve a little extra loving, now and then? Of course and of course! In 2011, I urge you to allow yourself this greatest pleasure : spend the entire week of your birth being extra kind to YOU. Eat your favorite foods, take yourself to the bookstore, draw a bubble bath and meditate on where you’ve been – all that you’ve accomplished – and where you’re going next. Dream big. No, bigger! And don’t forget to be thankful.
In 5 days I’ll be turning thirty. Collectively dreaded by so many women before me, once more I find myself at odds with the masses. Personally, I’m positively THRILLED to move into this next decade – which I’m certain will be my best yet! Still, I can’t help but looking back. I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting lately. Such a cultural right of passage will do that to a girl.
I’d like to start sharing more of my authentic self here on Bonzai. The truth is that I’m an intensely private person; even in my personal life I have trouble opening up. So this will serve a dual purpose: you get to learn more about your friendly neighborhood blogger, and I get to practice making myself more vulnerable.
Starting now, this week, as I share some of myself in this transition into my thirties. I hope you enjoy!
- Amanda
- Miss Curiosity
- Lindsay Jewell
Tenise Rae
Cecily Luise
- Courtney
- Farmingtheburbs
- Melissa L.
- Robin
- GrowingRaw
- Laurah
Donna Mae