The Friday Feedback Forum

July 9th, 2010 - filed under: Furthermore » Feedback


IMG_0560Some outtakes from shooting for this article.

Well oi there! Hello! We’ve had a scorching couple of days here in p-town and now we’re all set for a lovely, mild weekend. And you know what the weekend means – it’s time for this week’s comments, critiques, thoughts, support, and suggestions.

How is your summer going so far? And what have you got planned for the rest of the season? Are there any sun/summer related posts that you’d like to see from me in the coming weeks? (sunscreen! I know, I’m working on it, ack!) Tell me watchya watchya want?!!

As usual, the Feedback Forum will remain here at the top of the page all weekend, so if you’ve got an idea or a question or you just want to introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’, you can stop back by any time. This is your community, so get involved and have your say!

Oh, and check out this awesome video of Waits cracking himself up in the bathroom mirror. <3

Hope you have an energizing weekend! (not *too* hot)


  • Valerie

    Yay summer! It’s been hot here in Tacoma too, so I ordered a hammock :) Love tutorials, more tutorials please.

    I just found something out this week that makes me rather sad: Lots of beers are not vegetarian or vegan. Almost every beer produced in the UK is not vegan. Here is a link explaining what ingredients make beer vegan/vegetarian un-friendly.
    But here is a link to a site that has done a lot of the research for you so you can find out if your favorite beer, wine, or liquor is vegan.

  • steph

    The first pic made me giggle, what enthusiasm! The second is just all melty with the cuteness. These are gorgeous photos of a gorgeous baby. Good job!

    Suggestions: I particularly enjoy when you share recipes or how-tos. I love your gardening updates and (baby) pictures!

    I am really interested to read what you have to say about sunscreen. I hate pretty much every brand I’ve ever bought. They’re always perfumed and make me break out.

    I’d love more tips and tricks to living naturally. The cloth tp was mind blowing for me.

    Love your blog!

  • Richard

    Baby cuteness :D

    Its hotter then hell over here in the UK as well, wouldn’t be so bad if I stopped eating lentil stew all the time (nom nom)

    oh and thanks for that baby clothing link to herbivore got a nice new jacket from there!

  • Richard

    Rephrase “oh and thanks for that clothing link to herbivore got a nice new jacket from there!”

    I’m not a guy wearing babies clothes >.<

  • Carolyn

    Happy weekend to one and all.

    I for one am loving all the updates. I didn’t realize how much I missed it when you were on maternity leave. Even as a childless (child free?) person, I like all the updates on Waits and posts about earth friendly babies. I find I pass them along and it gives me knowledge I wouldn’t otherwise have.

    Suggestion – I’d love to hear how some of the old Monthly Missions have turned out long term. Are people still using family cloth? Or did the experiment end with the month? Things like that would be fun to revisit.

  • sarah

    He is so freaking ADORABLE. That first picture is awesome haha. I love it.

    Sunscreen = miessence. I used to (sort of) sell their stuff and it’s the bomb. I’ve not looked into anything else since I trust their products (and they are the only company I can say that about).

  • Sarah

    I love the baby pictures :)

    Sunscreen-have you ever made your own?
    Plus, I know the California baby stuff is supposed to be the best for babbies, but it’s so expensive! So, ditto for the making of a gentler version for babies.

  • Sarah

    Oh, by the way-I’ve tried commenting on a couple of previous posts (diapers and last weekend’s feedback), but my comments aren’t showing up. That I can find anyway. :(

  • Laura Louise

    We’re having a heat wave here and I have entrance exams for three days (again). I’m doing those almost every year now, it’s like a hobby :D I do get in some places but don’t like them that much anymore. But I do enjoy the sun a lot. I realized that I love our changing seasons here. It’s so awesome to have 4 completely different times of the year with almost 60 degrees temperature difference at some points of the year.

    Oh and I’ve been making water-juice drinks with frozen berries. These are sooooo good for the summertime.

    My summer plans include playing a lot of boardgames, reading books, making tons of awesome stuff like softies, clothes and accessories.

    Have you made any toys for Waits or have you bought anything awesome and handmade? I’m making small softies again and was just wondering.

    Have you seen Moomins? Here’s a beginning of one totally random episode This was my favourite cartoon when I was little and I’m still a huuuuuge fan. I have tiny figures of these guys on my desk, in front of the TV and in my bag. There are also books about them.

    I wish you the best veggies of all!

  • Tenise Rae

    My dogwood tree is dying. :( We’ve been here just over a month and it does not look happy. Looks like it’s super wilty and almost drying out, no dry leaves though. I don’t see any disease-like symptoms. I’ve been all over the net and the only thing I can find is that the soil isn’t acidic enough, it’s being over or under watered OR it has a disease. So I’m on my way to the nursery to get some pine park for mulch. I’m determined to save this tree! It was one of my Nanas favorites!!
    The previous seller told us that it only flowers every other year or so…which means something is wrong; but since we’ve moved in it’s become worse. Aaaaack!! This is killing me.

    Wish me luck!!!

  • Cindy

    It really is SO nice to have you back! And little Waits is super adorable! Like Carolyn, I’m also child-free, but baby pics and updates just make my heart melt.

    I found this recipe for homemade vegan sunscreen, but have never made or used it myself. As a freckle-burn-repeat redhead, I’m not a good sunscreen tester. I need guarantees! Any advice you, or any one else here has, would be welcome.

    I’d definitely be interested in more updates of what’s happening in your food world. I remember that you had experimented with 80-10-10, but not stayed with it 100%. When I followed that sort of plan, I ended up with seriously dry skin and patches of eczema, even with flax oil supplements. I’m interested in finding a balance that’s sustainable for me AND my skin!

    I’m also interested in any canning or preserving you may do, since this is an area that I haven’t experimented with, and helpful tips from babes with brains are welcome! After discovering that virtually all canned tomato products are sold in tins with BPAs in the liner, I want to preserve my own tomatoes. I know that tomatoes are acidic, and would eat through an unlined tin, but if BPAs are a big enough deal to recall water bottles, why is it okay for canned fruit and veggies?

    Hope you and the fam had a beautiful weekend (and took more market pictures!),

  • Sayward

    @ Valerie – Ooooh hammock! What a wonderful idea, now I want one too! *running off to check Craislist*

    Yeah, alcohol is one of those things that it’s easy to gorget about. But Barnivore is AWESOME! Love that site!

    @ Steph – Thanks for all the great suggestions! I’ve got a fun (funky?) recipe coming this week, straight from the Farmer’s Market. =D

    @ Richard – I’ve been eating a ton of hearty stews too! What’s up with that!?

    And thanks for the Herbivore love. They are such amazing folks and I just love hearing that people are supporting them. Yay!

    @ Carolyn – Ooh that’s a really good idea about the MMMs, Maybe after our 15th mission we can have some sort of retrospective. I think that’s a great idea!

    @ sarah – Thanks for the sunscreen rec! (and baby love) I’ll definitely check out that brand.

    @ Sarah – I haven’t made my own but I’m seriously considering it. Just need to find some time to do the leg work!

    I hear wonderful things about California Baby as well – even that it’s great for adults. It’s on my list but I haven’t gotten around to buying it yet. I did pick up some Jasons for Waits so we’ll see how that works . . .

    @ Laura Louise – I couldn’t agree more about the seasons. I grew up in SoCal where it’s always in the 70s. I guess that’s paradise to some people but personally I LOVE the constant movement of the changing seasons. Time passes differently . . . it makes itself so much more present.

    I haven’t made any toys for Waits (yet!) but I totally intend to. And I’ve never seen that cartoon! Thanks for the link!

    @ Tenise Rae – Oh no! But I bet the people at the nursery will be able to help you. Let me know how it goes and if you figure out the problem. LUCK!

    @ Cindy – Aww, it’s great to be back! But thank you for saying so, it really keeps me motivated to know that people out there are into what I’m doing here.

    I’m looking into homemade sunscreen too, but for now I’m recommending California Baby (for adults) as I’ve heard nothing but *excellent* things about them.

    I did a whole month RAW but I wasn’t 80-10-10. I need way more fat than that! I require a good dose of healthy fats to keep me running smoothly – same as you my skin gets dry and awful without it. Right now I’m actually eating very high-raw again. Pretty much raw foods + hearty stews, haha. That’s what I’ve been wanting ever since Waits was born!

    I find that coconut oil is epically incredible for my skin. Not topically, I mean consuming it. In smoothies, cooking with it, making raw desserts or just treating it as a supplement and taking it off a spoon. Have you tried it? It makes my skin *glow*!

    I’ll be posting on preserving probably later this summer/early fall. I’m going to do a whole series on fermenting before then, which I’m really excited about!

    Market pictures coming tomorrow! =D

  • Kelly H.

    Great pics!