MMM11 Round-Up: Driving Less

May 27th, 2010 - filed under: Furthermore » Monday Monthly Mission


So, how did it go driving less this month?! Did you walk, bike, or bus more? What creative solutions did you come up with to save on gas and lighten the carbon load? I can’t wait to hear!

Me, I had a moderately successful mission. My goal was to use only 1/2 a tank of gas this month (down from my usual 1 tank). Alas, I didn’t quite get there. I used ~3/4 tank, which is 50% more than I intended to use . . . or 25% LESS than I used to use, if you’re an optimist (I am). So I still think that’s pretty rad.

As far as I’m concerned, the real champion of this mission is Damian. He started a new job mid-May (YAY!) and was diligent about biking, no matter the weather. That’s 10 miles round trip and he faced torrential rain, strong wind and even hail! But he stuck with it and only took the bus once. I’m so inspired by him!

So, now I want to hear about all of you. Bikes? Busses? Skateboards? How have you been transporting???

  • Kate in SB

    I still drive to work, but I’m trying to ride my bike more for errands around town and for fun. I went on my first night ride tonight as part of a group ride event. It was a great way to get over my fear of riding at night (safety in number), and although 10 miles seemed far in my head, it wasn’t hard at all. A new helmet and some new LED headlights really sealed the deal. I’ll be riding more often because of this experience.

  • Laura Louise

    I did some calculating and found out that i walk an average of 5 miles every day. My record is a bit over 12 miles. Yes, I’m a walking machine. It’s the best time to think and relax.

    I would bike instead of walking, as it’s a lot quicker but we don’t have that good biking roads here.

  • Erin B.

    I couldn’t really change much in my routine, I’m a stay at home mom of 3. But I tried to be concious of making 1 trip to 3 places instead of going out several times. My husband however was finally able to ride his scooter for 2 weeks straight. Saving about $50 in gas (don’t know about mileage).

  • Sando

    At the beginning of the month I finally put a rack on my bike so that I could run grocery errands. No excuses now! Not only did I manage to ride my bike (nearly) everyday this month (commuting, errands, and just for fun) but I also lost 5 lbs of winter flab! Woot!

  • Salekdarling

    Like I said before, currently I live too far away from my jobs to be able to ride a bike there. I am moving like ten minutes from my jobs so I’m buying a bike and thoroughly excited about it!

    You also know I share a car with my best friend so I guess that could count on shrinking our carbon footprint. ^_^ It will shrink more when we move in together of course!

  • A Green Spell

    I’ve been biking or walking almost everywhere these days. I just started a project on my blog earlier this month to track my transportation habits and see how much I can change them. I’m doing well, and it’s really fun. I am even thinking of investing in a little scooter….

  • T

    This month I traded in my parking pass for a bus pass. (This was planned before your challenge, but it was good timing!) I probably used my car twice a week instead of 5-7 times a week. I filled up my gas tank once this month instead of twice! To get to and from work I’ve either taken the bus, walked, or biked! We even walked to get a treat a couple of times instead of driving. Last weekend we biked to a mini mall which took about 45 min to get to because a lot of it was up hill!

  • school grants

    found your site on today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later

  • saundra

    well i walked to the ice cream shop lol but myhusband has been faithfully riding his bike for approx. 20 miles a day back and forth to work since january in thecold of winter andnowthe heat ofthe summer.

  • Cedar

    With the oil spill getting close (if not already) topping off one of the greatest environmental disasters, I’d definitely say it’s time that American’s start facing our consumption and addiction to all things oil. Good post! I would enjoy your blog even more though if it addressed the fundamental issues with our system, instead of just the symptoms (animal exploitation, environmental catastrophes, rampant consumption, etc.) But, I suppose that implies that you think there is a fundamental issue with Capitalism. But I appreciate the sentiment for sure!!

  • Sayward

    @ Kate in SB – I was totally nervous about riding at night at first too. Getting a headlight and a back blinkie really turned things around. I LOVE group rides! I’m jealous!

    @ Laura Louise – That’s awesome! And sooooo good for you! And I totally agree, walking is such great meditation. I covet my daily dog walk. Great for thinking, and I also listen to all my favorite podcasts!

    @ Erin B. – Hey, don’t sell yourself short dear! Making 1 trip to three places instead of multiple trips, *is* changing your routine – and that’s an awesome step! I work from home too so I understand how you feel, but we can still make minor alterations that add up. And also – go husband! =D

    @ Sando – WOW! That is so awesome! Congrats! I totally remember the revelation it was when I got my bike basket. Suddenly I was doing *everything* by bike – so cool! Seriously, good for you this month. That is huge.

    @ Salekdarling – Yay for getting a bike soon! That’ll be perfect for summer. =)

    @ A Green Spell – That’s awesome; it’s so great that so many people are making these lifestyle changes! Scooters are wonderful, just make sure you don’t get one with a 2-stroke engine (lika a vintage Vespa). Those spit out a ton more pollution than even an SUV!

    @ T – Wow, that’s a huge change from 5 x a week down to 2! What a world of difference! You guys are so amazing!

    @ school grants – Thanks! Hope to see you back!

    @ saundra – Hooray for awesome husbands! Sounds like we’ve got some really good ones here. =)

    @ Cedar – I understand what you’re saying. However for now I choose not to address the issues that may be more divisive. Bonzai was built as a place of positivity and inspiration, where people can find motivation for mindful lifestyle changes. I feel like my job is to allude to these deeper issues, but I prefer not to make them the center of my work here because I find that they often lead to arguing and angst. Hope that makes sense!

  • A Green Spell

    Oh yeah, no motors for me! I am thinking of a kick scooter like the teenagers around here ride. Leg-power only! ;)

  • Courtney

    I didn’t drive less, but I used a lot less gas. I started following a lot of tips I found over at Ecomodder and I know I was getting much better gas mileage.

  • Valerie

    Well the month started out great. I rode my bike down the hill to the foot ferry across the water & up the street to my favorite store to get organic local produce & products. The trip back wasn’t as much fun. I had to push my bike up the hill the entire way home :( This experience made me realize exactly how unfriendly the streets in our community are for bikes. There is no shoulder to safely ride. Last month I experienced first hand how atrocious the public transit is here too. My husband and I have decided to move to Tacoma when our lease is up in June, it is a much better city for biking & busing. I will also have much greater opportunities for finding a job than I have had in this small community. My husband will also have a the option to become a bike & bus commuter too!

  • Sayward

    @ A Green Spell – Haha, my bad. A push scooter would be awesome!

    @ Courtney – That site is great! Thanks for the link. =)

    @ Valerie – It’s all just a process of trial and error, lady. And it definitely sounds like you tried! Good luck on moving though – that’s huge (very exciting!)