On the first Monday of every month, we take on a ‘mission’ – a shift or habit or inspiration – to work on together. There’s strength (and support) in numbers! On the last Thursday of the month, we reconvene to see how far we’ve come.
You’ve all been so amazing joining me in these grand experiments each month, willingly committing yourselves to new, sometimes drastic life changes. And I think, this month, I’m really going to test your faith in me! Eek!
Okay. So, this month I’m going to switch to family cloth. “Now, what is family cloth?”, you may ask. “That sounds so sweet, like a big warm blankey for sharing”.
But yeah, no.
Family cloth is cotton toilet paper. Basically, you replace your standard bleached, chemically-treated paper TP, with reusable wipes made of fabric (bought new or upcycled from old clothes/towels). Keep your clean cloths near the toilet, in a drawer or a pretty basket or bag. Keep a ‘dirty rag’ receptacle near the toilet as well, a bin with a lid or a hanging drawstring sack. Launder the used wipes as necessary.
Sound crazy? I thought so too, at first. It’s honestly taken me a while to warm up to the idea. But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Obviously, it’s a great environmental gain. We already know from our research into paper napkins, that washing reusables is much more resource/energy efficient. And I remember from the switch to cloth menstrual pads, how surprised I was at the comfort that came with cotton. I hope to get the same benefit from the family cloth.
I’ll be spending this first month using family cloth for #1 only. So I’ll keep some TP in the bathrooms, for guests and for #2.
And what about you, my dear green go-getters. Is this just too extreme to be gotten? Or, are you with me? Will you accept this mission?
Jenny K
http://flightsofthevalkyrie.blogspot.com/ Valerie
http://www.ultimatemoneyblog.com Mrs. Money
Desert Dweller
Tenise Rae
http://www.city-vegan.blogspot.com Crystal
http://none Heather
http://cynsreality.wordpress.com Cyn
http://makeway4ducklings.blogspot.com bashtree
Eric Normand
http://paywithammo.com PWA
http://upmykilt.net Rob
http://www.renegadeyogi.com/ Eric Normand
http://sprgtime.blogspot.com Sprgtime
http://sprgtime.blogspot.com Sprgtime
http://www.racheldrum.com Rachel Drum