Oi there my dears! Happy happy weekend, and you know what that means here at BA – it’s time for comments, critiques, thoughts, support, and suggestions.
So let ‘er rip! Let me have it! What’s on your mind? What posts have you enjoyed recently? What do you feel is missing? What do you want from this site? What are YOU interested in?!
As usual, the Feedback Forum will remain here at the top of the page all weekend, so if you’ve got an idea or a question or you just want to introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’, you can stop back by any time. This is your community, so get involved and have your say!
This week I dropped quite a bomb on this little community of ours. I must admit, I wasn’t sure how well it would be received. But as usual, you guys blew my mind with your awesomeness, support, and understanding. Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart!
A lot of you expressed interest in seeing more pictures of the progress. I’ve been cataloguing the whole growth experience, which is now live here, for whoever may be interested. It’s all current as of now, and I’ll be updating every few weeks as well. So stay tuned!
And continuing the reminder: October is America’s National Co-Op Month, and National Fair Trade Month, and it’s also Vegan MoFo (that’s Vegan Month of Food). Get involved!
Okay, that’s all for now. Have a blast this weekend!!!
Tenise Rae