The Friday Feedback Forum

October 10th, 2009 - filed under: Furthermore » Feedback

Oi there my Pucks and pixies! Happy weekend!!! It’s time once again for the weekend, and of course it’s time for comments, critiques, thoughts, support, and suggestions.

What’s on your mind this early Autumn? What are dreaming about? Where have you been spreading your fairy dust? What matters in YOUR world?!

As usual, the Feedback Forum will remain here at the top of the page all weekend, so if you’ve got an idea or a question or you just want to introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’, you can stop back by any time.

And don’t forget: October is America’s National Co-Op Month, so why not check out your local collective?? And, it’s also National Fair Trade Month. Stock up on coffee and chocolate, right? Finally, it’s Vegan MoFo (that’s Vegan Month of Food), so check it out for tons of inspiration!

Have a most magical weekend!


  • Dylan

    Hay! I StumbledUpon this site which seems to be very complementary to yours, maybe not as vegan and I think from Seattle, but definitely Bonzai Aphrodite friendly. Probably you have run into her but just in case…have a great weekend!

  • Heather

    Hmmm…what’s on my mind…
    1-my super warm white winter jacket in storage that i need to get out!
    2-buying new winter boots
    3-warm lentil and veggie soup
    4-wishing i could back to colorado soon :)

  • Julie
  • Allison

    My boyfriend and I are trying to find a new place to live in San Diego. Today we looked at a place that had a garden, a lemon tree and an herb garden that I think would be all mine! There was dried out corn and a green tomato and lemons all over the ground. We put in applications to rent it. Cross your fingers! I really hope that I have the stuff gardeners are made out of. I can’t wait to start composting. Oh, and to have a place to hang dry clothes…and I’m getting a little ahead of myself. Can you tell I’m excited?

  • Allison

    Hey Sayward, I just posted about a bunch of environmental and domestic sort of questions on my blog. If you get a second, could you check it out? I would really love to hear what you have to say about any of it.

    Thanks so much!

  • Kate

    I keep thinking about my fall garden and if I will EVER get to building it!!!

  • Jasmin


    I just discovered your blog, and it’s all looking very interesting! I have a lot of readign to do… Do you mind if I add you to my “I love…” list on Wednesday? You deserve a mention!

    And if you want to know whats lovely in my life at the moment I suggest you read my blog! Thanks ;)

  • Julie

    Hey Say,
    Not sure if you have already seen this but Jonathan Safran Foer (probably my favorite contemporary fiction writer, author of Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and Everything is Illuminated) wrote a book about vegetarianism and raising vegetarian kids. It comes out next month but the NY Times published this adapted excerpt. Kinda interesting.

  • Sayward

    @ Dylan – That’s a great resource, thank you! Hooray for PNW bloggers! =)

    @ Heather – Yes! Awesome list! I really need to invest in a good winter coat this year. And I am READY for lentil soup, haha.

    @ Julie – Love it! And I have seen that NY Times article, but I’m glad you posted it. An awesome reader and I was unfamiliar with the author. I’ll have to pick something up now. Oh, the ever-expanding reading list . . .

    @ Allison – That is so exciting! My fingers are crossed for you, et me know how it goes!

    I’ll check out the blog and hopefully I’ll be able to answer some questions (eek! I hope!)

    @ Kate – I’ll be posting an article on winter gardening eventually, so at least there’s that, haha.

    @ Jasmin – Your blog is adorable! I’d love to be included in your list, thank you. =)