On Gardening, and the Never Ending Efficacy of Twine

April 30th, 2009 - filed under: The Farm » Flora




I planted a patch of snow peas a few months back, and the little buggers are finally starting to take off.  But peas and beans are curious climbers.  They need a sturdy lattice with lots of levels to keep them entertained, lest they shrivel up in the dirt and die of boredom.  So I spent a few hours in the garden, improvising a framework so the restless plants could play.

More pink string. This time, I used it as a trellis by stringing it between old scrap-wood stakes and my fence posts. Back and forth, back and forth, and moving up in steps.





The point of this point is simply this: fancy garden gadgets can be functional and fun, just like snazzy kitchen equipment or the new designer duds.  BUT, don’t ever let anyone tell you that they’re necessary – especially if that someone is trying to sell you something.  Because although it may be true that titanium tomato cages would have served these snow peas in style, it is equally true that this fuscia web is one-of-a-kind, and works just as wonderfully to get the job done.

Plus, it matches the old flamingo.




  • http://domesticgodzilla.blogspot.com Domestic Godzilla

    I just discovered your blog. How lovely! We share a love of natural, better-for-everyone alternatives, and I salute you for creating such a great resource. I hope my little seedling of a blog will blossom into something comparable one day. :)

    Also, kudos for the garden accessorizing. Flamingo? Check. Matching trellis bling? Check.

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com Sayward

    @ Domestic Godzilla – I love your name! And thanks for the kind words. Blogger love all around! =)

  • Jenny

    Does your twine keep the bunnies from eating your plants?
    I thought about putting up twine or chicken wire, but my thoughts were too slow. My beets and swiss chard were totally gobbled up by the rabbits (I’m blaming the rabbits, but it could really be any creature). The plants must be tasty!
    Any suggestions? I’ve heard human hair, Tabasco sauce, or cayenne pepper works well. I’ve had little success with cayenne pepper.

    Thanks! I really enjoy your blog.

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com Sayward

    @ Jenny – Alas, the twine is just for climbing on. It won’t keep the critters away (it keeps the dogs from running through, but it won’t keep smaller mammals out). I bet you could build a very tightly woven ‘wall’, but you’d need to be able to access the plants once you want to harvest.

    I haven’t had much experience with natural pest repellents, just because I haven’t needed them yet. I do plan to look into it in the future, though. Let me know if you find any good solutions!

  • Leigha

    Actually, Irish Spring (the soap) keeps away many rodents, but also deer. I live in the Midwest and well, we have a lot of deer. Every spring I make a run to Sam’s club (or Costco) and get a giant package of Irish Spring. You can hang it in bags (pantyhose works well too) or shave it and sprinkle around the perimenter of your garden. Replenish after rain or wind. It’s not a completely “organic” method, but it certainly beats using mothballs or other chemicals. I’d love to know if it works for you or your readers!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com Sayward

    @ Leigha – I’ve heard of the Irish Spring technique! I wonder what it is about that particular brand, hmm? It’s good to know you’ve tried it and it works, so it’s not just an urban legend anymore! Thanks for the info. =)